Jackson Tn Tournament and other Matches Added to Schedule!

Our Tigers will travel to Jackson Tn for the Jackson Invitational Tournament!  The team will leave on Thursday, March 27 for match play on Friday and Saturday, March 28 nd 29.  We will take 12 girls to compete as two separate teams.  It is a great tournament and I am happy we will be able to return to compete.  More information will be forthcoming!
Other matches have been added--a scrimmage against Father Ryan on February 19, a JV match against Father Ryan on March 25 (at Centennial Tennis Center) and a match vs St. Cecilia on April 2.
The match vs BGA has been moved to March 26 so as not to conflict with our Jackson Tourney.
Stay tuned for more Tiger News!

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University School of Nashville models the best educational practices. In an environment that represents the cultural and ethnic composition of Metropolitan Nashville, USN fosters each student’s intellectual, artistic, and athletic potential, valuing and inspiring integrity, creative expression, a love of learning, and the pursuit of excellence.