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Katie Roth
The Tigers fell short in a tough game against Poplar Grove Middle School 24-26 and 16-25. Despite some difficulties with new positions and rotations, the Tiger's had some amazing serves from everyone and even multiple dives during the match! The Tigers will look to build upon their serving skills and reinforce their defense in coming practice and games!
It was a tough first set for the Tigers. They were pushed to their limit defensively, which made their offensive combinations tougher to connect. While they were trying out their new serve receive defense, the Tigers found their groove with their collective serving! London Shute ‘31 led the team with four aces, followed by Ryan Ricks ‘31 with three, Lily Miller ‘31 with two, and Emma Tillman with one! Tula Nye ‘31 and Ryan Ricks ‘31 also led the team with two dives each! Due to the serving and bodies hitting the floor the game was close till the end. To try and gain the momentum, Hayden Sasser ‘31, Allie Jackson ‘31, and Ryan Ricks ‘31 earned a kill with their bump, set, and hit that electrified the team and fans! Despite this, Poplar Grove was able to take advantage of their own serving and put the Tigers away in the final two points. The set ended 24-26.  

In the second set the Tigers were tired after the long first set and that contributed to their serving. Ryan Ricks ‘31, Lily Miller ‘31, and Ella Murdock ‘31 each earned one ace for the team that helped keep the Tigers in the game! But the Tiger’s couldn’t regroup fast enough before Poplar Grove put the game away with their serving momentum from the first set. They lost 16-25 in a tough second set.

The Tigers were trying new things and found some awesome moments to celebrate, but it was also tough to lose. The Tigers will continue to find the right connections, the right techniques, and the right in game decisions that will help put them in positions of success. Let’s rally behind their efforts and their challenges as they try and get better everyday! Go Tigers!    

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University School of Nashville models the best educational practices. In an environment that represents the cultural and ethnic composition of Metropolitan Nashville, USN fosters each student’s intellectual, artistic, and athletic potential, valuing and inspiring integrity, creative expression, a love of learning, and the pursuit of excellence.