Consider USN in end-of-year generosity

Maximize your 2024 tax benefit while supporting University School of Nashville by Tuesday, December 31. Mark these important dates on your calendar:
- Monday, December 23 is the deadline for stock gifts.
- Tuesday, December 31 is the deadline for postmarked check, and midnight Central time is the deadline for online gifts.
As we near the end of the calendar year, we invite all families in our community to be part of the philanthropic momentum by making a gift to the Annual Fund by December 31. Your gifts are essential to daily operations at USN, accounting for 5% of our operating budget. Your contributions fund need-based scholarships, professional development for teachers, security and campus improvements, and more. Families are showing widespread philanthropic support for USN with more than $100,000 in gifts for the Annual Fund on Giving Tuesday — including matching gifts from the Boehler and Jahangir families. The USN community continues to support the amazing students, faculty, and staff who walk our halls every day, and for this we are truly grateful.

As we approach the end of 2024, consider these smart ways to wrap up the year on a financial high note. Not only can you save on taxes, but you can also make an impact at USN. Below you'll find important giving information regarding cash gifts, appreciated securities, donor-advised funds, and IRA-qualified charitable distributions to make donating to USN as easy as possible. 

Give by Check
Donors should make checks payable to University School of Nashville and postmark by Tuesday, December 31 to:
University School of Nashville
2000 Edgehill Avenue
Nashville, TN  37212
Give Online
Donors can give via all major credit cards, PayPal, Venmo, GooglePay, ApplePay, or instant bank transfer by visiting our secure giving website.

Tips for Charitable Donations of Stock
  • Allow ample time for instructions to be carried out by your broker, preferably before Monday, December 23 considering the busyness of this time of year.
  • The date for a gift of stock is the date the stock is received in USN's account. According to the IRS, the date you give your broker the instructions does not qualify as the date you gift your stock. 
  • Many stock donations are made at the calendar year-end. Please notify USN, or have your broker notify USN, of stock gifts so that we may track those gifts and ensure that they arrive in our account by Friday, December 29. 
  • To inform us of an incoming gift, contact Development Director Anne Westfall or call 615-277-7495.
  • To make a gift of Depository Trust Company eligible securities using USN's broker, forward to your broker a letter of instruction, including the specific name and number of the securities you are giving, requesting that the securities be transferred via DTC to:
    Raymond James & Associates
    Contact Person: Joe Gallivan, 615-645-6728
    DTC #0725
    Account #13503823, University School of Nashville
Donor-Advised Funds
A donor-advised fund, which is like a charitable savings account, gives you the flexibility to recommend how much and how often money is granted to University School of Nashville. You can recommend a grant or recurring grants now to make an immediate impact or use your fund as a tool for future charitable gifts. Contact your fund administrator to request a distribution form or download the form from their website.
IRA Qualified Charitable Distribution
Here is a special opportunity for those 70½ years old and older. You can give any amount (up to a maximum of $100,000) per year from your IRA directly to a qualified charity, such as University School of Nashville, without having to pay income taxes on the money. This popular gift option is commonly called the IRA charitable rollover, but you may also see it referred to as a qualified charitable distribution, or QCD for short.
We must receive your gift by Tuesday, December 31 for your donation to qualify this year. If you have check-writing features on your IRA, please be aware that your check must clear your account by Tuesday, December 31 to count toward your required minimum distribution for the calendar year.

Please consult with your tax advisor or an attorney to determine full deductibility of your gift. If you have any questions or need additional information, please email Development Director Anne Westfall. Thank you for your continued and generous support of USN.

Join us in thanking the dedicated volunteer team leading the way for the Annual Fund including: 
  • Brandy and Mike Bivens, Annual Fund Chairs & USN Parents
  • Beth and Jason Wolf, 1915 Leadership Society Chairs & USN Parents
  • Marty and Quick Foy, Grandparent Chairs
  • Juliet and Stephen Douglas, Parents of Alumni Chairs
  • Scott Ghertner '85 and Bobby Perry '03, Alumni Chairs

More USN News

List of 3 news stories.

  • The HS Quiz Bowl team celebrates its championship by posing for a photo after the competition.

    HS Quiz Bowl team remains state champs

    The USN Quiz Bowl team won the state championship for the third year in a row. Congratulations to Ophelia Cherry-Pulay ‘25, Penelope Graham ‘25, Daniel Guo ‘25, Rohan Ramachandran ‘25, Evan Giles ‘26, Jackson Green ‘26, Clover Horwitz ‘26, Mason Lack ‘26, Lucia Gellert ‘27, and Liam Mooney ‘28.
    Read More
  • USN's Mock Trial team poses for a photo at the District Competition.

    Mock Trial teams compete at district tournament

    USN sent two teams to the District Mock Trial Competition in February, and our A Team secured an invitation to the state tournament. Congratulations to Most Valuable Players Evan Giles ‘26 and Bronson Schmidt ‘25 as well as Ophelia Cherry-Pulay ‘25, who was awarded Best Attorney for the Defense for the entire tournament.
    Read More
  • See you March 24 at the Downtown Derby

    Help us pack the stadium at Hawkins Field and cheer on our High School boys baseball team as the Tigers take on Franklin Road Academy on Monday, March 24.
    Read More
USN Mission: 
University School of Nashville models the best educational practices. In an environment that represents the cultural and ethnic composition of Metropolitan Nashville, USN fosters each student’s intellectual, artistic, and athletic potential, valuing and inspiring integrity, creative expression, a love of learning, and the pursuit of excellence.