• MS Cross Country - 5th grade

    2024 - 2025
    Head Coach: Lindsey Bachman

Team News

List of 3 news stories.

  • 9/5 Meet Results - Tigers Make PROGRESS!

    Lindsey Bachman
    Just when I think Coach Skinner and I cannot get any more proud, 24 of you turn out to cheer, race, and cheer again like you did tonight! The excitement and anticipation of our second race was palpable at practice Thursday afternoon, but come 5:30pm at the starting line, it was downright electric! If you missed the live version of our pre-race cheer or just want to relive the magic, I highly recommend you check out the video posted on our team page. This is the sound of TIGER PRIDE! I will probably be looping this audio for all of my own pre-race runs for the remainder of the season. 
    Magical Moments
    • Our team doing the wave for every runner that passed by the pavilion in the girls and boys 2 mile races!
    • Our girls team racing with its first official full team of 7!
    • Everyone's terrific effort and smart pacing that lead to 22 personal best finishing times!
    Team Scores & Scoring Runners
    The 5/6 field this week was significantly larger than last week, with 6 scoring teams in the boys race and 8 scoring teams in the girls race. I point this out to give context as to why our overall team scores are higher in comparison to last week. And while really low team scores are neat, bigger and more competitive races often lead to faster times, and that in my opinion, is the most fun of all! Complete team scores and results are attached to this email as well. 
    Team Scores: 
    • Boys 1.5 Mile Race: 1st Place (35 pts) out of 6 scoring teams
    • Girls 1.5 Mile Race: 8th Place (204pts) out of 8 scoring teams
    Point Scorers:
    • Boys 1.5 - Jennings Collier (2nd), Brody Terker (4th), Ayman Abuali (5th), and Dylan Hyatt (18th)
    • Girls 1.5 - Ava Warren (21st), Mila Kennedy (41st), Elaina Yu (42nd), Elliott Holliman (43rd), and Sadie Magner (57th)
    Pride / Pace / PR Running
    We spent a good portion of practice the past week discussing what it means and feels like to run a race with smart and strategic pacing. We went over pace groups and how to use them to your advantage in both practice and race scenarios and finally, we set new goals to chase after! This focus and strategy spoke for itself in our team results, as our team dropped it's average time by over 1 minute from 14:17 to 13:15. Over half of our athletes ran even or negative split races (meaning they maintained their pace from start to finish or got faster throughout) and nearly every athlete who ran set a new personal best. The average improvement/time drop of runners from our first to second race was just over 90 seconds. Special shout outs to Elliott, Dylan, Sadie, Lucas, Edwin, David, Hayes, and Ava for all improving more than 90 seconds! Over the short span of 1.5 mile race, that is a significant amount of time to drop!
    Best Efforts & Fast Finishes
    • Huge shout outs to Spencer, Aarav, Indy, Linus, Jacs, and Hudson for racing in their first meet! Each runner gave their all and when they saw the finish line, it was nothing but full speed ahead!
    • Our PR King and Queen of the meet goes to Dylan Hyatt (10:55) and Elliott Holliman (14:36) who each dropped INCREDIBLE amounts of time from their previous races, improving by 5:40, and 3:36 respectively. There commitment to start their races with smart pacing and increase their effort throughout paid off big time!!
    Barrier Breakers
    Dropping time is always something to be celebrated, but there something extra exciting about breaking through a specific time barrier that calls for extra applause. The following athletes ran themselves into new time categories: 
    • Sub 10 minutes - Jennings, Brody, Ayman
    • Sub 12 minutes - Lucas, David, Ava
    • Sub 14 minutes - Edwin, Arthur
    • Sub 13 minutes - Hayes
    • Sub 18 minutes - Sadie, Sari
    RESULTS - Finally, team score sheets and complete results are posted on our team page on the school website and linked here. Take note of the "9/5 Results" tab in the spreadsheet, as well as the "Season Results" tab, and the "Pace Groups" tab. All three provide different valuable insights into your races and future training.
  • 9/9 - Week 5 Practice Plans

    Lindsey Bachman
    MONDAY - Progressive endurance run with pace groups (15 min)
    TUESDAY - 
    Tempo Tuesday (partner loops, half tempo, half race pace)
    WEDNESDAY - Hills hills hills! 
    THURSDAY - Base run & strides
    FRIDAY - Time Trial (5 laps)
  • 9/2 - Week 4 Practice Plans

    Lindsey Bachman
    MONDAY - No School, Endurance Run, 20-30min on your own
    TUESDAY - 
    Hills hills hills! 
    WEDNESDAY - Base run & strides
    THURSDAY - Meet prep day (optional evening meet at the RC)
    FRIDAY - Form Friday

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Reported Team Statistics

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League Statistics
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Non-League Statistics
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University School of Nashville models the best educational practices. In an environment that represents the cultural and ethnic composition of Metropolitan Nashville, USN fosters each student’s intellectual, artistic, and athletic potential, valuing and inspiring integrity, creative expression, a love of learning, and the pursuit of excellence.